On the Air


Think of be as your best friend with a PhD. It's really the best of both worlds....truth backed by science sprinkled with love! We chat about the stuff that's hard to talk about but affect our day to day life - mindset, feminine energy, relationships, sex, health, motherhood, and much more!

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release the baggage


We tell the truth here and the truth is that we all have baggage. Baggage is the stuff that our unconscious mind has stored to protect itself in the short term but actually holds us back from living our best life in the long run. The good news is that you CAN release all of it and launch yourself into your best life!


with Dr. Britt

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Your best life is right now!

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I'm Dr. Britt
It is my mission to beckon the best version of you to heal and take massive action on your dreams. Together, we will turn decades of work into days. 
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