I'm a Coach, Counselor, Professor, Podcaster, Artist, and a Lifelong Learner

These are just a few of the titles that I get to carry. I am also a business owner with a counseling practice located in Frisco, Texas. 

Just like you, there are many facets to who I am. Together, we will have fun unlocking all your unique facets as well.

I have a deep desire to help YOU become the person who were made to be and live the life you currently only dream of - free from trauma, baggage, and the stuff that has held you back from being all that you can be. 

like stories? Here's mine!
hey, friend!
(always growing!)

If you could live your life any way you want, what would that feel like? 

Would you feel light and free, excited and empowered, invigorated and energized?
If there is one thing I know for certain, it's that living as the best version of yourself helps you have a life full of meaning and purpose, regardless of where you came from, the decisions you made, the things that have happened to you, or wherever you find yourself right now. The work we do together is tailored to bridge where you are and where you desire to be!

here's what i do:

Online Courses


Welcome to the education suite where you can learn how to grow, overcome, and propel forward into the life of your dreams all from the comfort of your sweats or wherever you find yourself.

Learn more

Breakthrough Sessions


In this focused-intensive session, we will release negative emotions, limiting beliefs and behaviors that have kept you from flourishing in life and simultaneously create the life you want to have.



Living a life on purpose and achieving your goals takes clarity and guidance. I work with you to crush your goals and overcome any obstacles you face.

"Dr. Britt helped me unlock a version of myself that I did not know even existed. Today, I get to boldly walk in my own skin embracing my beautiful femininity."

Taylor A

hey, y'all!
More about dr. Britt


Helping people heal from what has weighed them down and propel them into their 

Best Life
work with me

Top resources

Limiting Beliefs Workbook

Release the Baggage

Guide to Setting & Holding Boundaries

Boundaries can be hard. I created this step by step guide as to how to set and hold boundaries in your everyday life.

GEt it now
get it now

I am bringing sunshine to your inbox! Expect deep encouragements, thought provoking questions, and tools to keep you and your life moving in the direction of your dreams! You in? 

Take inventory of where you are at in your life, what you are feeling, and what you desire most! This short quiz is not a genie in a bottle but it will provide you insight as to what may not be serving you at this stage of your life AND help me give you some honest feedback (in love, of course) to help you navigate the "now what?"

take the quiz

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Come hang out with me on the 'gram!
I want to hear from you! 
